Thursday, April 23, 2009

WOO HOOO, I lost another 1.4 this week. I want to be coninually losing and getting leaner, stronger and healthier.

I am on facebook, for anyone who does not know that... and I now have many friends who are currently or were on Biggest Loser. I am so amazed and honored that I have received many responses from them individually and personally. It is nice to see them as real people with real struggles. I enjoy cheering them on and watching as their lives change too.

Here is the post I made on which really shares my frame of mind right now.

Well, I know my body is trying to plateu. I began this journey at 396 lbs. I am as of today 264 SO That is what an awesome 132 lbs GONE!!! Well, I have been playing from 269-265 for the last couple of months. So last week I decided I WANT TO WIN. So though my body wants to plateau, I want to lose!

On Biggest Loser last night Bob reminded his team that they need more protien when they are working out as hard as they are. I had already decided I wanted to step up my workouts and SEE losses again. I also then updated my fitness page on Spark and my calories and balance changed to match it. I have added more protien because it is the fuel to repair all the hard work I put in and gives me the strength to carry on!

This week I lost 1.4 and I would have liked more, but I will keep going one day, one step, one meal, and one workout at a time. Each choice we make shows in our lives. Taking it one little task at a time makes it do-able.

We have GOT to "Eat to LIVE not Live to Eat!" (TOPS) We also need our support systems. I have incredible support at TOPS, with my Spark Team, and my Facebook friends.

"Don't give up and Don't give in, when you think you're finished that's when you begin. When you walk one mile, go one step more..." (Tops # WA 804, closing pledge.) JUST DO IT.... we have to fight harder and see our weigh as the adversary that we are kicking to the curb.

I WILL WIN, I have to... I never want to go back to where I was 1 1/2 yrs ago! Tina

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Well, a lot has changed one short time lately...

I have had a lot of ups and downs. I have dealt with Diverticulitis which means I am having to be careful of what I am eating to not have pain. Then I was in a car accident on Feb. 20 th and the person who rear ended me and pushed me into the car in front of me of course has no license, no insurance, was driving on a suspended license and had multiple warrants out for his arrest. UUUUGGGGGHHHHHH thank goodness I have uninsured motorists on my policy and for anyone who does NOT, I do suggest that you add that.

So I am spending many hours in massage therapy, and chiropractic and while that is finally starting to do better, I managed to get the FLU and I mean big time. I have been down in bed over a week now pretty much.

But... My weight loss updates.... I have had a rough first quarter of the year, (only a few pounds.) but know that the rest of the year WILL be better!